Silver Makers' Marks - London Assay Office (C)



Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Thomas Causton (1732..1733)
Christopher Jones (registered Feb 1846) Goldsmith, silversmith & watchcase maker, Highfield Street, Liverpool
Charles Jackson 1864..1867
(registered Sep 1863)
Watch case Case maker, St Luke's, London
Charlie Jacques 1905..1906
(registered Nov 1904)
Flatware, menu holder
Capri Jewellery Ltd 1976 Bangle Dalston Lane, London E8
Christopher John Buckler 1812
(registered Oct 1804)
Box lid

(image courtesy of
Charles Fox & Co Ltd (Charles James Fox) 1893..1894
(registered Jun 1884)
Box, button hook, decanter, flask, frame, glove stretcher, inkwell, jar lid, masonic jewel, mirror Great Sutton Street, Clerkenwell, London
(registered Apr 1896)

(image courtesy of
Cyril James Frost 1945 Match box & cigarette holder
C J F 1996 Imported items: bookmark, box
Charlie Jacques & Frederick Bartholomew 1902..1904
(registered Jul 1902)
Caster, cup holder, fork, menu holder, spoon
Charles Fox I & James Turner (1801..1803)
C J G 1977..1984 Spoon
Charles Johnston Hill 1881..1895 (registered Aug 1880) Coffee pot, flatware, plate, sauce boat, wine cooler Oxford Street, London
Charles John Hall Marlow (registered Feb 1896) Watch & watch case manufacturer, King Street, Coventry
Casa Julia International 1989 Imported toy Importer of Italian silver animal models and toys
C J M 1977..1979 Frame
C J M 1996 Bottle drip collar
C M & J S (1973..1974)
C J O 1973 Letter rack
C J Philipson 1986..2000 Bracelet, caddy spoon North Yorkshire

(image courtesy of
C J Plucknett & Co Ltd (Charles John Plucknett) 1915 Spoon Jewellers & Watchmakers, Poland Street, London W1

(image courtesy of

(image courtesy of
Reid & Sons (Christian John Reid) 1883..1885
(registered Sep 1885)
Fork, spoon Grey Street, Newcastle

Note: 1883 example was overstamped on another mark so probably used during transition from closure of Newcastle Assay Office in 1883 to registration in London.

C J T 1995 Statuette
C J Vander Ltd 1930..1944 Basket, beaker, bell, box, candelabrum, caster, chalice, coaster, coffee pot, condiments, cup, decanter label, dish, flatware, ladle, mug, mustard, napkin ring, tea service, tray Company founded by Cornelius Joshua Vander in 1886; closed 2007
C J W 1982 Bowl, caddy spoon


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
C K, mullet below between pellets 1670 Tankard Mark not shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 but 2 similar marks (CK, pellet below and CK, mullet below) attributed as "probably Christopher Kemble" (free 1666) by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
Charles Kandler II 1786
(registered Nov 1778)
Charles Kay (probably) 1826
(registered Mar 1822)
Box Kay's mark as illustrated by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 does not have a pellet between the letters. A similar mark (also without pellets but with more rounded ends) registered Oct 1828 by Charles Kelk
Carl Krall 1895
(registered Nov 1883)
Chalice, ciborium, presentation trowel, pyx box Carl Christopher Krall trading as Barkentin & Krall, Regent Street, London W

May also include Krall's retailer's mark:

(registered Oct 1890 & Jul 1902)
Charles Kain 1935..1965 Decanter label, mug, napkin ring, spoon, tea service Working silversmith, St John Street, London EC
Camerer, Kuss & Co (registered Jul 1899) Uxbridge Road, London W12
C K & Co 1912 Imported watch case Mark not found in CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987. It may be an unregistered mark (possibly of Camerer, Kuss & Co) as it was seen on a Waltham watch case with their "AB" sponsor's mark
C K Ltd 1975 "Scrooge" statuette Not a registered mark


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments

(image courtesy of
Jonah Clifton 1706..1720
(registered Nov 1703)
Coffee pot, cup, flagon
Henry Clarke I 1711..1720
(registered Jun 1709)
(registered Mar 1723)
A similar mark but with smaller "tongue" registered c1721
Joseph Clare I 1714..1720
(registered Sep 1713)
Cup, mug, porringer, salver, saucepan, tankard
(registered Dec 1721)
Niccolaus Clausen 1719
(registered Jun 1709)
Charles Lias 1837..1849
(registered May 1837)
Flatware, mug, tea service
Lambert & Co (1884..1900)
Landenberger & Co (Christian Landenberger) 1908..1915
(registered Nov 1900)
Imported watch case Aldergate Street, London
C L 1922..1933 Sauce boat, sucrier
C L 1973 Imported gold ring
C L B 1925..1926 Chafing dish, goblet

(image courtesy of John Child)
C L C 1994 Brooch
C Ltd 1950 Watch bracelet
C L Edwards 1994 Imported locket Jewellery importers & distributors, Blackpool, Lancashire

(image courtesy of
C L I 1971 Napkin ring
Colibri Lighters Ltd 1961..1962 Lighter
C L S 1919 Ash tray, box
C L S 1987 Imported cigar tube
C L S 2000 Caddy spoon


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
C M 1674 Cup and cover Mark not shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 or MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
Charles Martin 1728..1738
(registered c1728)
Coffee pot, mug, plate, tankard, tray
Christopher Makemeid 1760
(registered Nov 1758)
Sucrier & tea caddy suite
Charles Mince 1809
(registered Apr 1808)
Watch case Case maker, St Luke's, London

A similar mark with separated letters registered by Mince Jan 1800

Charles Muston 1820..1822, 1843..1946
(registered Feb 1816 & 1838)
Watch case Case maker, St James Street, Clerkenwell; Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell (from c1824)
(registered Aug 1824 & 1825-1848)
Mappin Brothers (Charles Mappin) 1882
(registered Apr 1878)
Scent bottle Regent Street, London; King William Street, London & Queen's Cutlery Works, Sheffield
Miller Brothers (Charles Dew Miller) 1894
(registered Oct 1887 & Feb 1893)
Buckle Charles, George & Richard Miller trading as Miller Bros, Newgate Street, London EC
Gilbert Marks (1896..1902)
Charles Frederick Mitchell 1903
(registered Nov 1897)
Charles Maas & Co 1919
(registered Mar 1896)
Cheroot holder (gold mounted) Pipe makers & importers, Crescent, London EC; subsequently (from c1911) Aldermanbury Avenue, London EC
Charles May

C C May & Sons (from c1881)

(registered Mar 1838)
Jar lid, match striker, perfume bottle, thimble Curtain Road, Shoreditch, London EC; (from c1881) Victoria Park Road, Hackney, London E; (from 1913) Richmond Road, Hackney, London E

Specialised in thimbles and mounted glass

(registered Jul 1914)
C M 1975..1977 Box

(image courtesy of
C M 1983 Ingot pendant
Charterhouse Mint 1986 Spoon

(image courtesy of
Carol Mather 2011..2012 Box, letter opener
C M 2017 Bowl
C M C 1975 Ingot pendant
C Hoare & Co (1971)
C M & J S 1973..1974 Imported box
Christopher Milton Stevens 1976..1983 Basket, creamer, spoon Combe Down, Bath

Web site

M C Sn Co Ld (1920..1921)

(image courtesy of Ray Nimmo)
Caroline Marie Taylor 1979..1985 Box, thimble
C M T 1987 Dish
Canterbury Silver Co 2021 Knife rest Canterbury, Kent


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Stauffer, Son & Co (Charles Nicolet) 1880
(registered Mar 1877)
Watch case Registration at Chester Assay Office (1906) as Charles Nicholet, trading as Stauffer, Son & Co, watch importers & manufacturers

Charterhouse Street, Holborn, London

1882..1886, 1908..1919
(registered Oct 1881)
C N 1926 Pipe mount
C N & S 1983..1994 Decanter label, mirror
Ruffs Ltd 1988..1990 Decanter label, napkin ring CNAR is Cyril Norman Aubery Ruff (1898-1968), a previous principal of Ruffs Ltd, Gosport, Hampshire

Web site

(image courtesy of
Clive Norman Bullivant 1983..1988
(registered 1974)
Box, thimble

(image courtesy of Tony Ellis Antiques)
Charles Neale & Daniel May I 1783
(registered May 1783)
Caster, tongs
Christopher Nigel Lawrence 1969..2003 Candle holder, creamer, goblet, limited edition souvenirs, quaich, sucrier, tastevin, tazza Leigh-on-Sea, Essex


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Lawrence Cole (1697..1706)
John Cory 1697..1706
(registered 1697)
Bowl, mug, porringer, spoon

(image courtesy of Joanie's House of Treasures)
Robert Cooper (1697..1703)
Stephen Coleman (1698)
George Cox 1698..1709
(registered Apr 1698)
John Cole 1704
(registered Apr 1697)
C O 1705..1718 Box, porringer, pounce pot, saucepan "Not traced" - GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990
Edward Cornock 1707..1711
(registered Jul 1707)
Bowl, box, tray

(image courtesy of
(registered Nov 1723)
Matthew Cooper I 1708..1718
(registered May 1702)
Candlestick, wick trimmer & stand
Augustine Cortauld I 1714
(registered Dec 1708)
Caster, coffee pot, salver
(registered Oct 1729)
(registered Jul 1739)
John Corporon 1717
(registered Apr 1717)
Charles Ohme 1867..1869
(registered Feb 1867)
Gold box


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Clement Punge 1661..1663
(free 1637, died 1666)
Porringer, tazza Attributed as "probably Clement Punge" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
C P 1784 Tray A fake mark seen with a purported 1784 hallmark. Similar fake marks can be seen at PI (1779) and SM (1783)
Charles Price 1811..1827
(registered Feb 1812)
Coaster, coffee biggin & burner, cruet, ewer, goblet, mustard, salt, salver, snuffer tray, spoon, tea service, toast rack Plateworker
(registered Nov 1823)
Both GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 & JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 show this mark with a pellet between C & P

(image courtesy of Joanie's House of Treasures)
Charles Price (probably) 1818 Spoon An identical mark registered May 1805 by Charles Plimpton, plateworker
Charles Edward Plumbridge 1939
(registered Jan 1937)
Gold ring Jeweller, Union Street, Brighton, Sussex

Listed in telephone directories from 1928 as C E Plumbridge & Sons Ltd

A similar mark with smaller lettering (relative to punch outline) registered by Plumbridge Mar 1910

C P 2000 Letter opener
C P 2021 Decanter label
Charles Packer & Co Ltd 1923..1933 Bowl, box, cigarette case, matchbook holder, pepperette, sauce boat, spoon, tea strainer Goldsmiths & jewellers, Regent Street, London W1

(image courtesy of John Child)
C P A 1970 Dish
C H P (1937)
Charles & John Plumley 1823
(registered Apr 1822)


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Carol Quitter 1982 Goblet


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
C R (C enclosing R) 1597 Spoon Mark not shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997
Jonathan Crutchfield 1698
(registered Sep 1697)
Charles Rawlings 1817
(registered Jul 1817)
Box, decanter label, grape shears, jar lid
(registered Oct 1819)
A similar mark registered 1817 by Christian Ker Reid of Newcastle
(registered Oct 1826)
Claydon, Robin & Co 1907
(registered Jan 1904)
Vase rim
Charles Reynolds & Co Ltd 1892
(registered Jan 1893)
Purse mount Fore Street, London EC
Charles Robert Ashbee 1900
(registered Jan 1896)
Tarvier (Clive Russell Andrews) 2016
(registered 2014)
Lincoln imp bookmark Minster Court, Lincoln

web site

Roy Charles Bleay Tomlinson (2004..2010)
Reid & Son (Christian Ker Reid & David Reid) 1822
(registered Oct 1815)
Urn Newcastle
(registered May 1828)
C R F 1984 Gold ring
Charles Reily & George Storer 1828..1850
(registered Jan 1829)
Basket, bowl, box, candelabrum, cruet, decanter label, goblet, ink well, knife rest, mug, mustard, pepper, salver, tea & coffee service, toast rack
C R S 1978 Skean dhu
Charles Rawlings & William Summers 1829..1861
(registered Apr 1829)
Box, communion set, decanter label, grape scissors, ink stand, napkin ring, nutmeg grater, spoon, vinaigrette