Silver Makers' Marks - London Assay Office (I)



Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments

(mark is IA in a dotted circle)
I A 1680 Porringer Attributed as "possibly John Archbold" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
John Austin 1691 Porringer Attributed as "probably John Austin" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
Charles Jackson 1717..1722
(registered Apr 1714)
Marrow scoop, skewer, spoon
(registered Jul 1720)
John Albright 1722..1723
(registered Jul 1720)
John Arnell (1766..1774)
John Alderhead 1751..1772
(registered Apr 1750)
Joseph Ash I 1804..1817
(registered Sep 1801 & 1810, 1818)
Box, decanter label, flatware
J A (1926)
I A C 1993 Napkin ring
John Allen IV & Joshua Butler I 1802..1804
(registered Mar 1802)
Box, vinaigrette
I A M 1980 Napkin ring
I S & A N (1764..1770)
Joseph Abram Tyas 1834..1836
(registered Feb 1834)
Watch case Case maker


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
J B (1662)
I B 1689 Spoon Mark not shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 or MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
J B (1694..1695)

(image courtesy of
John Bird 1724
(registered Jun 1724)
Taperstick Largeworker
John Bache (1723..1726)
John Barbe (1741..1769)
John Barbe (1741..1762)
John Bayley (1751..1754)
St John Barry 1758
(registered Mar 1758)
James Baker or John Broughton 1764..1767 Coffee pot, mug Listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 under Unregistered Marks and attributed to "James Baker?, or possibly John Broughton". It may have been recorded in the lost 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register.
I B 1768..1770 Mug, mustard
John Bourne 1774
(registered Feb 1774)
Spoon This punch, as illustrated by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990, is a nearly circular oval.

(image courtesy of John Child)
John Bingley 1774
(registered Nov 1774)
Watch case Case maker, Little Britain, Clerkenwell, London
(registered Jul 1763)
John Booth (probably) 1774 Candle snuffers Mark not shown or mentioned by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 but Booth was a known snuffer maker.
John Booth 1778..1780 Candle snuffers JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 & GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 both attribute I:B on 1770 sugar tongs to "? John Buckett". Research shows that John Buckett (or Beckett) died in 1767 and that this is the mark of John Booth (died 1787), a known snuffer maker, father of Wilkes Booth (see WB) who took over his father's business in 1787.

(image courtesy of
Joseph Bradley 1776..1785
(registered Aug 1776)
Argyle, skewer
I B 1790..1827 Flatware Similar marks registered by:
  • John Blake, smallworker & spoonmaker (Sep 1788 & May 1803)
  • James Beattie, smallworker (Jul 1790)
  • John Boyer, smallworker (Jun 1794)
  • Joseph Barnard, smallworker (Feb 1798)
  • John Bunn, smallworker (May 1806)
  • John Blades, smallworker (Jun 1812 & Dec 1827)
  • John Brent, smallworker (Jun 1820)
John Baxter 1800
(registered Feb 1799)
Watch case Case maker, Banner Street, London
I B 1804..1807, 1816..1827 Box, creamer, flatware, mug, pepperette, salt Similar marks registered by:
  • James Barratt, smallworker (Oct 1801, Sep 1803 & Jun 1816)
  • John Brough, smallworker (Aug 1813)
  • John Booth, plateworker (Nov 1813)
  • Joseph Biggs, plateworker (Jan 1816, 1819 & 1820)
  • John Brydie, spoonmaker (Jan 1823)
  • John Bridge, plateworker (Nov 1823 but probably never used)
James Bult 1819..1821
(registered Jul 1819)
Spoon, tongs
John Brydie 1824..1827
(registered May 1824)
Spoon Spoonmaker

A similar mark registered Oct 1818 by John Baddeley, plateworker

Rundell, Bridge & Rundell (John Bridge) 1824..1830
(registered Nov 1823)
Candle snuffer, coffee biggin & stand, covered dish, decanter label, ladle, mug, plate, salver, teapot & stand, tray
International Bullion & Metal Brokers 1975..1979 Imported items: box, candlestick, frame Wholesale jeweller, Hatton Garden, London EC1
James & Elizabeth Bland 1796..1797
(registered Sep 1794)
Salt, tea caddy, tray
Joseph Bell II 1758..1761 Basket, spoon, tankard Listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 under Unregistered Marks. It may have been recorded in the missing 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register or the 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register
John Bourne & Thomas Moore III c1770
(registered Jun 1770)
I B over W B 1764 Mug, porringer Listed as "unidentified" by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 under Unregistered Marks. It may have been recorded in the missing 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register or the 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
James Cluatt 1607..1614
(free 1604, died c1627)
Spoon Attributed as "probably James Cluatt (or Clewett)" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
John Clifton 1684..1685 Spoon Attributed as "probably John Clifton" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017. Mark shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 for 1686.
John Cruttall 1668..1692 (free 1655, died 1695) Porringer, tankard Attributed as "probably John Cruttall" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017

(image courtesy of
I C crowned 1695 Tazza Attributed as "possibly John Cory" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017 but note that Cory's Britannia Standard mark, "C O crowned", features a very similar crown

(image courtesy of
I C 1722 Bowl Mark not shown by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990, but may be Joseph Clare I
Joseph Clare I (1723..1724)
John Chartier (1727..1735)
Isaac Callard 1728..1738
(registered Feb 1726)
Fork, marrow scoop, spoon Spoon maker
(registered Jun 1739)
(registered Mar 1747)
John Chapman I 1734
(registered Jun 1730)
John Clayton (1739)
John Cafe 1741
(registered Aug 1740)
(registered Dec 1742)
Candlestick, chamberstick, snuffer tray
John Carman II (1748)
John Cormick c1760
(registered Mar 1760)
Tongs Smallworker
I C 1762 Salt Similar marks registered by:
  • John Catt, smallworker (Dec 1762)
  • Joseph Clare II, smallworker (Mar 1763 & Sep 1768)
  • John Clemenson, smallworker (May 1763)
I C 1766..1786 Candlestick, chamberstick, cup, goblet, salver, snuffer tray, tankard, wine funnel Similar marks registered by:
  • John Cox, smallworker (Aug 1763)
  • John Chapman II, smallworker (Nov 1774)
  • John Carter II, plateworker (Sep 1776)
  • Joshua Cooper, smallworker (Oct 1786 (as bucklemaker) & Sep 1789)

Note that the seen-on dates fall partially within 1758 to 1773, the dates of the missing Largeworkers' Register so there may be other candidates; in particular there is evidence that John Carter II (who specialised in candlesticks and salvers) was working before 1770. GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 notes that he was supplying candlesticks to Parker & Wakelin in 1769.

Joseph Carpenter 1774
(registered Oct 1774)
Watch case Case maker
I C 1792..1801 Box, claret jug, mustard, tongs GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 notes an IC mark for Joseph Cooper, goldworker, registered Mar 1796 & 1799
John Cramer 1808
(registered May 1797)
James Callow 1815
(registered Aug 1800 & Oct 1812)
Watch case Case maker

A similar mark with pellet between letters registered by Callow 1806 & 1808

Joseph Craddock 1826
(registered Oct 1825)
Basket, mustard, teapot
(registered Nov 1827)
I C 1845 Chatelaine This mark not shown by either GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 or CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987

(image courtesy of
Ian Calvert 1973..2010 Beaker, jug, tea & coffee service, vase
John Cope Folkard 1819..1822
(registered Mar 1819)
Covered dish, mustard, tea service
James Clark & James Callow 1797
(registered Nov 1789)
Watch case Case makers
John Crouch I & Thomas Hannam 1773..1795
(registered c1773)
Chamberstick, salver, spoon, tray

(image courtesy of Matt King)
John Cotton & Thomas Head II 1809
(registered Dec 1809)
Joseph Craddock & William Ker Reid 1812..1825
(registered Jun 1812)
Candlestick, coaster, cruet, ink stand, mug, salt, salver, tankard, tea caddy, tea & coffee service, toast rack, tray, tureen
(registered Sep 1824)


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments

(image courtesy of
I D 1671..1674 Covered cup, goblet Mark not shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 or MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
D (1683..1688)

(image courtesy of
I D, crowned 1685 Plate Mark shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 for 1690

(image courtesy of
I D, dagger between 1694 Tumbler cup Mark shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 for 1688
Isaac Davenport (probably) 1696, 1720 Spoon Attributed by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 as "Isaac Davenport?" and dated 1695
James Delas 1737
(registered Aug 1737)
Isaac Duke 1744
(registered Jun 1743)
Sauce boat
Jabez Daniell (1755..1757)

(image courtesy of
John Delmester 1758..1771 Caster, coffee pot, cruet, cup Listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 under Unregistered Marks. It may have been recorded in the lost 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register or the 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register
I D 1763..1779 Caster, cruet, cup, jug, mug "Unidentified" by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 and listed under Unregistered Marks. It may have been recorded in the lost 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register
John Denzilow (1774..1796)
John Deacon 1776..1778
(registered Sep 1776)
Coffee pot, ewer
James Darquits 1788..1804
(registered Nov 1787)
Caddy spoon, decanter label, fish slice, mustard, teapot, tongs

(image courtesy of Matt King)
I D 1790..1791 Spoon
John Death 1808
(registered Jul 1803 & 1808)
Vinaigrette A similar mark registered by John Douglas (1804 & 1813)
John Douglas 1810..1818
(registered Jan 1804 & 1813)
Box lid, inkwell A similar mark registered by John Death (1803 & 1808)

Douglas entered into a partnership with Archibald Douglas in 1821 (see ID over AD)

John Dyer 1819..1836
(registered Feb 1809 & 1818, 1819, 1826)
Watch case Case maker.

Dyer also registered an incuse mark with pellet Jun 1840: I·D

(registered Jan 1836 & 1837, 1841)
(registered Oct 1844)
John & Archibald Douglas 1820..1825
(registered Feb 1821)
Beaker, bowl, box, jar top, shaving brush
I D B 1976 Gold ring
I D B 1981..1994 Buckle, miniature mirror
Jabez Daniell & James Mince 1766..1770 Caster, cruet Probably listed in the lost 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register
I D over M A 1782 Sauce boat Probably not a registered mark - overstamped on another
Thomas & Jabez Daniell 1772..1773 Caster, cruet
James Davies & Thomas Northwood 1818
(regstered Sep 1818)
Iain David Young 1988..1995 Ear rings, napkin ring