Silver Makers' Marks - London Assay Office (I)



Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments

(image courtesy of
I S 1655 Spoon Mark not shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 or MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017 but may be an early mark of John Smith (free c1654)
I S 1663 Cup and cover Mark not shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 or MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
John Smith 1672..1683
(free 1654, died c1690)
Spoon Attributed as "probably John Smith (12)" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
John Sutton 1672..1694
(free 1668)
Bowl, caster, porringer, spoon, tankard, tray Attributed as "probably John Sutton" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
(registered Apr 1697)
John Spackman 1686
(free 1676)
Tankard Attributed as "probably John Spackman" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
Francis Singleton (1700)
James Smith I (1721..1725)
John Hugh Le Sage (1727..1732)
James Slater 1728..1729
(registered c1725-1728)
Ladle, strainer
Joseph Smith I 1728..1729
(registered May 1728)
John Swift 1731..1738
(registered 1728)
Coffee pot, cup, mug, salver, sauce boat, tankard, tea caddy

(image courtesy of
(registered Jun 1739)
(registered Aug 1757)
James Stone 1728..1735
(registered Jul 1726)
Salt Note: a similar mark (star replacing flower) registered 1720 by James Smith I
I S 1734..1737 Ladle, salt, saucepan Mark not shown by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990
Joseph Sanders 1735..1737
(registered Dec 1730)
Coffee pot, plate, salver
(registered Jun 1739)
James Shruder 1737
(registered Aug 1737)
Covered cup, salver
(registered Jun 1739)
John Hugh Le Sage (1739)
John Sanders 1739..1747
(registered Jun 1739)
John Swift (1748)
John Spackman II 1750
(registered Sep 1741)
John Swift (1758..1764)
Joseph Steward (probably) 1759 Cup, mug "Unregistered" marks; attribution by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990
John Schuppe 1760..1767
(registered Jun 1753)
Cow creamer
John Swift (probably) 1766..1770 Bowl, salver, teapot "Unregistered" in GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 [mark no.3686]
Joseph Steward II c1770
(registered Mar 1768)
J S (unidentified) (1770..1771)
James Stamp 1777..1779
(registered Oct 1777)
Coffee pot, cup, mug, sauce boat, tankard Similar to John Schofield's mark; they overlap during 1778-1780
John Schofield 1777..1799
(registered Jan 1778)
Candlestick, cruet, cup, dish, jug, mug, salver, tea caddy, tea kettle & stand, tray Similar to James Stamp's mark; they overlap during 1778-1780
John Sidaway 1780..1782
(registered Apr 1777)
Mug, salver, spoon, teapot, teapot stand Smallworker

A similar mark with pellet registered Jul 1780 by James Sutton as plateworker, this mark probably only in use until Oct 1782 when Sutton registered a partnership mark with James Bult (see IS over IB)

John Steward (1784 or 1785)
Joseph Scammell (1788..1793)
John Shekleton 1799..1806
(registered Apr 1799 & 1821)
Flatware, knife blade Shekleton also registered a mark with pellet Apr 1799
Joseph Smith II 1813
(registered Aug 1808)
Israel Segalov 1924..1929
(registered 1919)
Imported items: brush & mirror, comb holder, ladle, novelty condiments set Jeweller, Black Lion Yard, London EC1
I S & A N 1764..1770 Brandy saucepan, creamer, salt Listed as "unidentified" by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 under Unregistered Marks. It may have been recorded in the missing 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register or the 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register.
I S Greenberg & Co (Israel Sigmund Greenberg) 1884
(registered Aug 1884)
Salt Frederick Street, Birmingham; subsequently Great Hampton Street, Birmingham
(registered Jun 1902)
John Samuel Hunt 1844..1867
(registered Jan 1844)
Box, coffee pot, covered dish, decanter label, flatware, kettle & burner, knife, plate, salver, sauce boat, tea service, vinaigrette
(registered Nov 1855)
John Hyatt & Charles Semore (1757..1762)
Irish Silver Ltd 1975 Imported butter knife
I s I 1977 Bowl
James Stamp & John Baker 1764..1769
(registered Apr 1764)
Coffee pot, cup, mug Partnership dissolved 1770.

GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 illustrates only the mark with pellets but notes "2 similar marks 29.4.1768"

(registered Apr 1768)
James Sutton & James Bult 1782..1784
(registered Oct 1782)
Cup, mug, spoon, tongs James Bult later in partnership with Samuel Godbehere & Edward Wigan


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments

(Mark is IT, two pellets above and one below, in a bordered heart-shaped shield)
Joseph Taylor 1632
(free 1624, died 1646)
Salver Attributed as "probably Joseph Taylor" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
John Tuite 1727..1738
(registered c1721)
Salver, tray Specialist salver maker, moved from Dublin. Probably dead before 1741 as a very similar mark (ewer with E T) registered Jan 1741 by Elizabeth Tuite (presumed widow)
1739..1740, 1742
(registered Jun 1739)
James Tookey 1751..1764
(registered May 1750)
Coffee pot, flatware, salt
(registered Jan 1762)
John Townsend 1784 or 1785
(registered Sep 1783)
Tongs Plateworker, Bath, Somerset

(image courtesy of Matt King)
John Tweedie 1784
(registered Dec 1783)
John Taylor 1784, 1793
(registered Mar 1784)
Watch case Case maker
(registered Jan 1788 & 1790, 1800, 1802)
John Touliet 1785..1798
(registered Apr 1784 & 1792)
Box, chamberstick, cruet stand, tea caddy, tray, wine funnel
John Tatum I 1790..1794
(registered Oct 1790)
Spoon Smallworker
I T 1802 Fish slice Apparently identical marks registered by:
  • Joseph Taconet, smallworker (Feb 1799)
  • Joseph Thredder, plateworker (Aug 1802)
Another similar mark, noted by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 as "IT, oblong" registered Mar 1799 by John Tatum II, smallworker

(image courtesy of
James Turner 1807
(registered Sep 1804)
Wax jack A similar mark registered Apr 1803 by John Troby (presumed dead by Dec 1804)

(Note: mark has pellet between)
John Tapley 1834..1835
(registered Dec 1833)
Box, jug, plate, salver, tea & coffee service, tureen

(image courtesy of
(registered Jul 1836)
James Thickbroom 1843..1865
(registered May 1843 & 1847, 1855)
Watch case Case maker
(registered Dec 1845)
Robert Timbrell & Joseph Bell (1712..1715)
Thomas & Jabez Daniell (1772..1773)
John Tatum Snr & John Tatum Jnr 1794..1796
(registered Jul 1794 & 1798)
John Taylor & John Wackrill 1789
(registered Jun 1789)
Watch case Case makers


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
William Juson 1705..1709
(registered Jul 1704)
John Vaughan & Thomas Cotterell 1845
(registered Oct 1845)
Butter knife, spoon


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
I W 1696 Mug Attributed as "possibly John Wright" (free 1689, died c1697) by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017

Mark is IW, tun between pellets below, in a shaped shield

John Wisdome (1724)
James Wilks 1724..1733
(registered Dec 1722 & 1728)
(registered Jun 1739)
(registered Jul 1742)
John White (I) 1728..1734
(registered Jan 1725)
Candlestick, caster, mug, salver
(registered Jun 1739)
John Wrenn I 1729..1738
(registered Nov 1728)
I W 1748..1763 Creamer, ladle, pepper caster, salt, sauce boat Listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 under Unregistered Marks. It may have been recorded in the lost 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register
I W 1770..1772 Cup, ink stand, salt Possibly John Weldring or James Wiburd - attributions by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990
James Waters 1770..1772
(registered May 1769)
Caster, salt Waters also registered an oval IW mark with plain lettering Jul 1775
I W 1777 Dish cross Mark listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 under "Unregistered Marks" and attributed to "?John Welding or James Wiburd", but dated 1763-1765
I W 1784 Sauce boat Mark not shown by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990
John Whittingham 1788..1800
(registered Feb 1788)
Box, decanter label

(image courtesy of Joanie's House of Treasures)
John Wall 1782..1790
(registered Jan 1783)
Fish slice, mustard, salt A similar mark but with smaller lettering registered Jul 1775 by James Waters
John Willis 1790..1792
(registered Mar 1789)
Basket, tea caddy
John Williams (1808)
John Wakefield 1806..1821
(registered Feb 1806)
Decanter label, fish slice, mustard, salt, skewer, teapot Also registered a mark with pellet between Mar 1818
James Wintle 1820..1829
(registered Feb 1821)
Spoon See under JW for other James Wintle marks.
John West (1827..1833)

(image courtesy of Joanie's House of Treasures)
J Whitehouse (probably) 1830
(registered Nov 1829)
Goblet Registered as a goldworker. A similar mark registered Feb 1825 by John Woolley, goldworker
John James Whiting (1833..1836)
John Wellby 1835..1849
(registered Jun 1834)
Salt, salver, tea service Marks with both square corners & cut corners
John James Whiting (1836..1846)
John William Blake 1823..1828
(registered Oct 1823)
William Bond & James Phipps I (1754)
Illinois Watch Case Co Ltd 1914
(registered Dec 1914, cancelled Sep 1915)
Watch case Gold & silver watch case makers, Holborn Viaduct, London EC & Elgin, Illinois, USA
W F & I K (1767)
James Williams Garland 1827
(registered Aug 1826 & Sep 1834)
Ceremonial trowel Gold worker, Bridgwater Square, London
John Watson & John Cooper c1842
(registered May 1840)
Replacement teapot handle
Job William Palmer 1801..1813
(registered Jul 1798 & 1809)
Watch case Case maker, Camberwell, London
John Wakelin & Robert Garrard 1793..1801
(registered Oct 1792)
Kettle & stand, plate, salt, sauce boat, teapot, tureen
John W Story 1803..1809
(registered Jul 1803)
Creamer, goblet, toast rack
J W Story & W Elliott 1809..1813
(registered Oct 1809)
Chamberstick, cup, decanter label, goblet, jug, salt, salver, teapot
I W over T B 1762 Jug Listed as "unidentified" by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990. It may have been recorded in the lost 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register.
John Lawford and William Vincent (1762..1766)
J Wrangham & William Moulson 1821..1840
(registered Mar 1822)
Coaster, decanter label, salt, salver, tea service
John Wakelin & William Taylor 1778..1787
(registered Sep 1776)
Basket, caster, dish, plate, salver, skewer, teapot, tureen
(registered May 1777)


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
James Young 1766..1787
(registered Jul 1760 & 1775, 1781)
Coffee pot, jug, mug, plate, sauce boat, salt, spoon, tea caddy, teapot
James Young & Orlando Jackson 1774
(registered Mar 1774)