Silver Makers' Marks - London Assay Office (R)



Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
John Read 1705..1709
(registered Jul 1704)
Cup, tazza
Richard Evans 1781..1796
(registered May 1779)
Spoon Shrewsbury
Robert Essex 1823..1830
(registered Jul 1821)
Flatware Registered as a gold worker
R E 1965..1969 Coffee pot, dish
Ronald Everett Crouch 1966 Chamberstick
Rebecca Emes & Edward Barnard I 1808..1827
(registered Oct 1808)
Basket, caster, communion set, decanter label, epergne, goblet, ink stand, mustard, salt, sauce boat, saucepan, snuffer tray, tankard, tea and coffee service, urn, wine funnel Rebecca Emes was John Emes's widow; Edward Barnard was his leading journeyman. (See also RE over WE)
Robert Ensko Inc 1950..1960 Flatware Manufacturers & retailers, Lexington Avenue, Manhattan, New York, USA
Robert Edgar Stone 1932..1961 Chalice, christening set, dish, napkin ring, paper knife, spoon, tea service, tea strainer Garrick Street, London & Garelochhead, Scotland
Rebecca & William Emes 1808
(registered Jun 1808)
Tea caddy, teapot Mark only used for 3½ months (30 June to 14 October 1808). Rebecca Emes was John Emes's widow; William was his brother. Partnership was temporary until Rebecca Emes registered a formal partnership with Edward Barnard.


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Roger Flynt 1571 Chalice Attributed as "probably Roger Flynt" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
Richard Forman 1845..1851
(registered Oct 1839 & 1849)
Watch case Case maker, Spitalfields, London
Robert Frost 1847
(registered Oct 1842)
Masonic jewel
Rupert Favell 1879..1886
(registered Apr 1879)
Box, butter shell, candlestick, condiments, ink well, salt, spoon, standish, table lighter, tea service
(registered Jul 1891)

(image courtesy of
Robert Friederich 1902..1905
(registered Oct 1902)
Imported items: box, button, stick pin, vesta Silversmith & importer; originally from Pforzheim, Germany
Richard Cook 1977..1986 Letter opener, spoon
Robert Frederick Fox 1910..1917
(registered Sep 1910)
Mustard, presentation trowel, tea caddy, tea service, tray
Favell, Elliott & Co (Rupert Favell & Henry Elliott) 1887..1890
(registered Apr 1883)
Asparagus tongs, butter knife, claret jug, dish, pen tray, sucrier


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Roger Grange 1683..1690 Mug, porringer, tankard Attributed as "probably Roger Grange" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
R G 1695 Mug Mark shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 dated 1694-1695 but not by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
Richard Green (1709..1713)
Richard Gines 1720
(registered Jun 1720)
Richard Green (1726)
Richard Gosling 1734..1738
(registered Mar 1733)
bowl, caster, cup, flatware, jug, mug
(registered Jun 1739)
Richard Gosling (probably) 1742..1750 Creamer, spice caster Attributed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 as "? Richard Gosling"
Richard Gardner (probably) 1774..1787 Coffee pot, goblet, shell dish, tea pot Attributed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 as "Richard Gardner ?"
Richard Groves 1794..1805
(registered Aug 1792)
Watch case Case maker, Grays Inn Road, London
Robert Gaze 1796
(registered Jan 1795)
Bowl, coffee pot, lidded saucepan
(registered Oct 1797)
Robert Garrard I 1802..1817
(registered Aug 1802)
Basket, bowl, chamberstick, decanter label, goblet, tankard, teapot b1758, d1818
Richard Grove 1809..1810
(registered Dec 1807)
Watch case Case maker, Vineyard Walk, Clerkenwell, London

Also registered an incuse mark without pellet Jul 1810

Robert Garrard II

R & S Garrard & Co

(registered Apr 1818)
Box, candlestick, coffee pot, cup, decanter label, dish & cover, ink stand, ladle, mustard, plate, salt, salver, skewer, tea service, tray, tureen Panton Street, London
(registered Jan 1822)
Robert Gravenor 1885..1887 Watch case Watch case manufacturer, Spon Street, Craven Street & The Butts, Coventry

Surname spelt "Gravener" in CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987, but is actually Gravenor [ref: 1891 census]

Robert Glover 1975..2000 Box, commemorative items: dish, goblet, spoon
Rosina Gertrude Alexander 1898
(registered Jul 1898)
Imported dish R G Alexander trading as R G Birch, foreign importer, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW; then Hatton Garden, London EC. Declared bankrupt 1900
Robert Abercromby & George Hindmarsh (1730)

(image courtesy of
Ronald George Carter 1977 Cake slice
R G C 2000 Ingot pendant

(image courtesy of Joanie's House of Treasures)
R G Hennell & Sons 1938..1965 Box, dish Southampton Street, London WC1
R G Springall & Co Ltd 1945..1946, 1964..1972 Bracelet, napkin ring, pendant Manufacturing jewellers & importers, Saffron Hill, London EC1
R G S 1982 Thimble
Richard Gurney & Thomas Cook

Richard Gurney & Co
(from 1734)

1734..1738, 1748..1761
(registered Oct 1727 and 1734 & 1750)
Candlestick, caster, coffee pot, jug, mug, porringer, sauce boat, skewer, tankard, tea caddy
Richard Gurney & Co 1740..1749
(registered Jun 1739)


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
R H 1692 Spoon Mark shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 dated 1687
R H 1752..1756 Spoon Possibly registered in the missing 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register. A similar mark registered Mar 1738 by Roger Hare (possibly a spur maker)

(image courtesy of Christopher Wilson)
R H 1757 Marrow scoop, spoon Possibly registered in the missing 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register
Robert Hennell I 1772..1785
(registered May 1772)
Basket, box, coaster, coffee pot, cruet stand, dish cross, fish slice, kettle, salt, salver, tea caddy, teapot & stand, tureen
(registered May 1772)
Robert Hennell II 1827..1832
(registered Nov 1809 and 1820 & 1826)
Flatware, mustard, salt Nephew of Robert Hennell I. Retired in 1833
Robert Hennell II (probably) 1829..1830 Decanter label, spoon Not illustrated by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990
Robert Hennell III 1834..1867
(registered Jun 1834)
Bowl, chafing dish, flatware, jug, mug, salt, teapot Son of Robert Hennell II. Took over his father's business
Robert Harper 1859..1882
(registered Feb 1853)
Bowl, cruet, flatware, goblet, ink stand, kettle, mug, mustard, salt, tankard, tazza, tea service Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, London
Robert Hennell IV 1869..1874
(registered Jan 1869)
Cruet, flatware, mug, salt, salver
William Hutton & Sons (Robert Hutton) 1875..1889
(registered Jun 1875)
Candlestick, coffee pot, fish servers, knife, mug, salt, tea service High Street, Sheffield
Robert Humphries 1879..1882
(registered Feb 1879)
Box, frame, mustard, spoon
Rowland Hill 1886
(registered Aug 1885)
Watch case Watch manufacturer, Coventry
Rene Haas 1904
(registered Feb 1904)
Imported purse mount
R H 1930 Caster
R H 1993..2001 Spoon
R H Halford & Sons 1894..1909
(registered Oct 1894)
Box, bowl, caster, claret jug, mug, mustard, salt, salver, sovereign case, teapot Pall Mall, London SW1
R H Halford & Sons Ltd 1911..1931
(registered Jul 1910)
R Hovenden & Sons Ltd (probably) 1905 Cigar holder case City Road, Finsbury, London

This mark not shown in CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987 but note similarity to Hovenden & Sons' registered RH&SsLtd mark (q.v.)

R Hodd & Son (1902..1915, 1968..1979)
R Hovenden & Sons Ltd 1912
(registered Jul 1901)
Gold mount on a cheroot holder City Road, Finsbury, London

(image courtesy of Joanie's House of Treasures)
Robert Hennell I & David Hennell II 1795..1801
(registered Jul 1795)
Basket, bell, cup, fish slice, goblet, inkstand, mug, mustard, oil bottle, pap boat, salt, sauce boat, teapot stand, tea service, tray, tureen Robert, David and Samuel Hennell were the sons of David Hennell I
Robert Hennell I, David Hennell II & Samuel Hennell 1801..1802
(registered Jan 1802)
Robert Hennell I & Samuel Hennell 1802..1810
(registered Oct 1802)
Robert Henry Jones 1859..1869
(registered Jan 1859)
Watch case Case maker, Wynyatt Street, Clerkenwell, London
Richard Lawton Ltd (Richard Hugh Lawton) 1970..1990 Box, coaster, decanter label, goblet, letter opener, napkin ring

(image courtesy of
Richard Hodd & Son (Richard Hodd I & Richard Hodd II) 1872..1888
(registered Jan 1872)
Candlestick, claret jug, crucifix pendant, dish, goblet, masonic jewel, mustard, pepperette, smoker's companion, tazza Hatton Garden, London
R Hodd & Son 1902..1915, 1968..1979
(registered Feb 1903)
Richard Hedley Whittaker 1903
(registered Apr 1899)
Vase rim Wilton Road, London SW

Listed in the Chester CompendiumRidgway, Maurice H. & Priestley, Philip T. - The Compendium of Chester Gold & Silver Marks 1570 to 1962,  Antique Collectors' Club, 2004 as Richard Healey Whittaker and in CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987 as Richard Hedley Whittaker

Linley & Hodd (Richard Hodd I & William Linley) 1867..1870
(registered Aug 1862)
Decanter label, flask, tea caddy
(registered Nov 1863)


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
R I 1627 Spoon Attributed as "possibly Robert Jygges or Giggs" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
Robert Innes 1743..1755
(registered Jan 1743)
Bowl, coffee pot, cup, ink stand, sauce boat
Robert Jones I 1773..1775
(registered Feb 1774)
Candlestick, salver
(registered Jan 1778)

(image courtesy of Joanie's House of Treasures)
Robert Jones II 1795..1798
(registered Jan 1796)
Basket, coffee pot, decanter label, dish, goblet, tea caddy, tea service, teapot stand Son of Robert Jones I
Richard & Joseph Grove 1804
(registered Feb 1806)
Watch case Case makers, Vineyard Walk, Clerkenwell, London

GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 lists these makers as Richard & R.Joseph Grove

Royal Irish Silver Co 1973 Cup
Robert Jones & John Scofield 1775..1778
(registered Feb 1776)
Candlestick, chamberstick, salver