| Maker
| Dates seen
| Seen on
| Comments
| Thomas Dene
| 1759..1769
| Spoon
| Mark registered Jul 1767, but an earlier mark may have been recorded in the lost 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register
| Tompson Davis
| 1762..1764 (registered Nov 1757)
| Flatware
| Thomas Dealtry
| 1764..1774 (registered Oct 1765)
| Spoon
(image courtesy of Waddingtons, Toronto)
| Thomas Daniell
| 1774 (registered Apr 1774)
| Basket, caster, coaster, coffee pot, jug, mustard, salt, salver, spoon, teapot
(image courtesy of
| 1775 (registered May 1775)
| 1775..1804 (registered Oct 1782)
| T D
| 1782
| Caster
| Mark not shown by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives, Faber & Faber, 1990 - possibly Thomas Daniell
| T D
| 1788
| Goblet
| Mark not shown by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives, Faber & Faber, 1990
| Thomas Dicks
| 1802..1817 (registered Jan 1798 & 1801, 1811)
| Flatware
| Dicks was in partnership with James Dicks from 1821 to 1832 when he is presumed to have died
| 1817..1822 (registered May 1792 & 1798, 1818)
| Thomas Death
| 1813 (registered Feb 1812)
| Salt
| Plateworker
| T D
| 1833..1839
| Jar lid, scent bottle label, vinaigrette
| This mark not shown or listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives, Faber & Faber, 1990
| Thomas Diller
| 1841..1847 (registered Jan 1841)
| Box, chamber stick, flask, ink well, jar lid, shaving brush
| 1849..1850
| Mark not shown by either GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives, Faber & Faber, 1990 or CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914, Antique Collectors' Club, 1987, but assumed to be Diller's due to similarity with Diller's registered mark
| Thomas Davis
| 1896..1908, 1933 (registered Nov 1890)
| Stick mount
| Stick maker, Avebury Street, Hoxton, London N
| Thomas Dee & John Fargus
| 1830 (registered May 1830)
| Buckle
| Thomas Daniell & John Wall
| 1781..1782 (registered Jun 1781)
| Basket, caster, cruet, fish slice
| Thomas & James Dicks
| 1821 (registered Sep 1821)
| Spoon
| Thomas de la Rue & Co
| 1878..1902 (registered Jul 1878)
| Box, purse & wallet mounts
| Bunhill Row, London
| 1893..1899 (registered Oct 1879)
| T D W
| 2003
| Beaker
| Thomas Devonshire & William Watkins
| 1756..1759 (registered Mar 1756)
| Spoon
| Maker
| Dates seen
| Seen on
| Comments
| T E, mullet below
| 1632
| Spoon
| Mark shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland, Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 dated 1626 but not by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks, Boydell Press, 2017
| Thomas Elliott II
| 1681 (free 1676, died c1689)
| Porringer
| Attributed as "probably Thomas Elliott (2)" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks, Boydell Press, 2017
| Thomas England
| 1730..1731 (registered Aug 1725)
| Butter shell, mug, salt
| 1743..1746 (registered Jul 1739)
| T E
| 1767..1768
| Spoon
| Listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives, Faber & Faber, 1990 as an "Unregistered Mark" and attributed to "not traced". It may have been recorded in the lost 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register.
| Thomas Ellis (probably)
| 1769..1778
| Ladle, skewer, sucrier, toddy ladle
| An identical mark registered by Ellis Apr 1780 as a plateworker. Ellis is recorded as working in 1773 so is assumed to have had a mark registered in the lost 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register.
(image courtesy of Keith Saville)
| Thomas Evans
| 1774..1775 (registered Mar 1774)
| Spoon
| A TE mark without pellet registered Apr 1779 by Thomas Eustace of Exeter
| 1784..1787 (registered 1779, 1782, 1784 & 1786)
| Thomas Edwards
| 1818..1821 (registered Aug 1816)
| Box, decanter label, mug, teether, vinaigrette
| Worked at various addresses in Islington, London, finally in Ratcliff Row, St Luke's. Not related to the Thomas Edwards who registered his mark in 1849.
| 1830 (registered 1820 & 1823)
| 1839 (registered May 1840)
(pellet between letters)
| Thomas Edwards
| 1850 (registered Apr 1849)
| Medal
| Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, London
| Thomas Eady & Co Ltd
| 1906..1913 (registered Apr 1905)
| Clock frame, goblet, mug, string holder
| Manufacturing jewellers, Stanley Street, Liverpool
| Thomas Edward Atkins
| (registered Jan 1908)
| St Paul's Square, Birmingham
| T E B
| 1686
| Chocolate pot
| Mark shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland, Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 dated 1682-1688
| Thomas Edward Edwards
| 1879 (registered Oct 1878)
| Bowl
(image courtesy of David Mercer)
| Thomas Evans & George Smith III (probably)
| 1768..1771
| Marrow scoop, spoon
| A similar mark (c1763) is "unidentified" by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland, Antique Collectors' Club, 1997.
GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives, Faber & Faber, 1990 shows a similar mark (no 3820, for 1763-4) listed as "not traced"
The partnership could also be Thomas Eustace & George Smith
| Thomas Edward Harwood
| 1875..1876 (registered Nov 1874)
| Chalice, communion plate, salt
| Thomas Evans & Jacob Levi
| 1783 (registered Feb 1784)
| Creamer, flatware
| Gourdel, Vales & Co (Thomas Edward Nalty)
| 1892 (registered Jul 1892)
| Imported bowl
| Great Marlborough Street, London
| Thomas Edward Rawlings (possibly
| 1916..1931
| Decanter label, lidded dish, mustard, porringer, salt, tea service
| Thomas Ellerton & Richard Sibley I
| 1803..1804 (registered Nov 1803)
| Creamer, plate, sauce boat
| Thomas Ellis Seagars
| 1846..1863 (registered May 1846)
| Condiments, napkin ring
| T E S
| 1984
| Goblet
| Thomas Edward Tinworth
| 1873..1875 (registered Sep 1872)
| Card case mount, frame, vesta
| Maker
| Dates seen
| Seen on
| Comments
| Thomas Folkingham (probably)
| 1721
| Mug
| A similar mark registered by Thomas Folkingham Feb 1721 but GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives, Faber & Faber, 1990's illustration of the mark has a pellet between the letters and a concave lower edge
| Thomas Farren (1723..1738)
| Thomas Farren (1739..1742)
| Thomas Foster
| 1767..1774 (registered 1769)
| Basket, spoon
| Thomas Foster II
| 1791 (registered Apr 1790)
| Watch case
| Case maker
(image courtesy of
| Thomas Freeth I
| 1807 (registered Mar 1787 & Jun 1797)
| Creamer
| Registered as a "bucklemaker" - probably the same person as Thomas Freeth I who registered a mark as a smallworker in 1773 and who may be the father of Thomas Freeth II
| Thomas Freeth II
| 1820..1823 (registered Nov 1820)
| Fish server, spoon
| Thomas Fairbairn
| 1825..1830 (registered Dec 1823 & 1836)
| Box, knife rest, spoon, vinaigrette
| Also named as Thomas Fairgain
(image courtesy of
| Theo Fennell
| 1987..2003
| Box, butt markers, dish, toast rack, trophy, vase
| Theo Fennell plc web site
| 1993
| 1992, 1996..2007
| T F & Co
| 1923..1931
| Box, cigarette case
| 1931
| Thomas Fattorini & Sons
| 1907 (registered Jul 1907)
| Watch case
| Bradford, London, Birmingham & Glasgow
| Maker
| Dates seen
| Seen on
| Comments
(image courtesy of
| Thomas Gilpin
| 1740..1747 (registered Jul 1739)
| Candlestick
| T G
| 1741..1758
| Bowl, coffee pot, epergne, mug, salver, tea caddy, tureen
| Mark shown by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives, Faber & Faber, 1990 under "Unregistered Marks" and attributed to "Thomas Gilpin (possibly)" but may actually be Thomas Gladwin
| Thomas Gibbard
| 1791..1807 (registered Feb 1792 & 1794, 1802)
| Watch case
| Case maker
Gibbard also registered a similar mark with rectangular corners Nov 1811:
| Thomas Graham
| 1794..1806 (registered May 1792)
| Fish server, teapot
| Walcot Street, Bath
| Thomas Gooch
| 1796 (registered Jan 1794)
| Watch case
| Case maker
| Thomas Gaunt
| 1801..1808 (registered May 1800)
| Watch case
| Case maker
| T G
| 1808
| Watch case
| This mark is almost certainly T.G with a journeyman's mark in close proximity
| T G
| 1811
| Watch case
| This mark is almost certainly T·G with a journeyman's mark in close proximity
| T G
| 1814
| Watch case
| This mark is almost certainly T·G with a journeyman's mark in close proximity
| Thomas Gairdner
| 1818 (registered Jan 1818)
| Decanter label, salt
| Plateworker. Gairdner registered a similar mark without the pellet as a smallworker, Nov 1802:
The following also registered a similar mark:
- Thomas Goddard, smallworker (Jun 1806)
- Thomas Goslee, smallworker (Sep 1819)
- Thomas Glover, plateworker (Jul 1821)
- Thomas Gull, smallworker (Dec 1829)
- Thomas Galloway, plateworker (Aug 1837)
| Thomas Greves
| 1833..1846 (registered Mar 1829 & Sep 1835)
| Watch case
| Case maker, Clerkenwell, London Surname may be a mis-spelling of Groves in which case he is probably the father of Thomas Grove, case maker (q.v.)
| Thomas Grove
| (registered Nov 1856)
| Case maker, Wellington Street, Goswell Road, London
| (registered Sep 1859, defaced Dec 1859)
| Thomas Glaser
| 1887..1895 (registered Jul 1886)
| Imported items: basket, bowl, box, cup, cup holder, dish, pin tray, place card holder, salt, tea caddy, wager cup
| Also a mark with stop registered Jul 1885:
A similar mark with bevelled corners registered by Thomas Guest, Aug 1891:
| Thomas Goodfellow
| 1886 (registered Nov 1873)
| Mug, mustard, napkin ring, pepperette
| Hatton Garden, London EC
| 1888..1905 (registered Mar 1893)
| T G & S
| 1982
| Bird figurine
| Thomas & Alfred Galloway
| 1831 (registered Aug 1831)
| Toast rack
| George Baskerville & Thomas Morley (1776..1777)
(image courtesy of David Mercer)
| T G C
| 1978
| Gold ingot pendant
| Thomas & Joseph Guest
| 1806 (registered Nov 1805)
| Brush, chamberstick, coffee pot & stand, dish, salver, tea service
| Thomas & Joseph Guest & Joseph Craddock
| 1806..1811 (registered Aug 1806)
| Thomas Graham & Jacob Willis
| 1789..1791 (registered Jun 1789)
| Basket, box, ewer, flatware, salver, tea caddy, teapot
| Bath, Somerset
| |