Silver Makers' Marks - London Assay Office (W)



Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
William Cawdell 1586..1617 Spoon Attributed as "probably William Cawdell" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
1592 Mark not shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 but almost certainly William Cawdell

(image courtesy of
William Cary 1641..1656
(free 1638)
Spoon Attributed as "probably William Cary (2)" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
W C 1668 Covered bowl Mark not shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 or MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
William Coles 1739..1746
(registered Aug 1724)
Creamer, goblet, ladle, mug
William Cripps 1748..1750
(registered Aug 1743)
Coffee pot, mug, plate, porringer, salver, spoon, tankard, tea caddy
(registered Nov 1751)
(registered Jul 1746)
William Cafe 1758..1767
(registered Aug 1757)
Candle snuffer, candlestick, chamberstick, ink stand, snuffer tray
(registered Aug 1757)
W C 1761..1766 Spoon
William Collings 1771..1775
(registered Aug 1771)
Candlestick, jug, spoon, tankard
William Cattell 1775..1784
(registered Feb 1771)
Brandy warmer, salt, sauce boat, spoon, tumbler A similar mark registered by William Crowder, Mar 1791

(image courtesy of Keith Saville)
William Champion 1792
(registered Apr 1789)
William Chawner II 1816..1833
(registered Feb 1815)
Flatware, grape scissors, knife blade Spoon maker.

Died 20 March 1834 & succeeded by his widow Mary Chawner (see MC)

1819..1820, 1831
(registered Jan 1820)
William Chawner II (possibly) 1833 Flatware This mark seen on flatware from the same source as pieces by Mary Chawner with the same armorial and in the same pattern.
William Collins 1832..1837
(registered Mar 1828)
Flatware, knife handle, tea service Plate worker

An apparently identical mark registered Jul 1825 by William Chinnery, plate worker.

William Chandless 1832
(registered Sep 1832)
Spoon, tastevin
(registered Nov 1841)
(registered Oct 1851)
William Carter 1834..1855
(registered Jan 1833)
Watch case Case maker, Gateway Street, St Luke's, London
(registered Nov 1855)
(registered Oct 1857)
William Cooper 1845..1851
(registered Dec 1844)
Cruet, teapot
William Chinn 1886
(registered May 1886)
Watch case Case maker, Hill Street, Coventry
William Comyns & Sons 1884..1885
(registered Jan 1859)
Ash tray, basket, bowl, box, brandy saucepan, brush, button hook, candelabra, candlestick, caster, chamberstick, claret jug, clock, coaster, coffee pot, cow creamer, cup & saucer, cup holder, decanter label, dish, dressing set, frame, goblet, matchbox holder, menu holder, mug, napkin ring, salt, salver, skewer, spoon, table lighter, tastevin, tea caddy, tea service, toast rack, tray, vase, vesta Manufacturing silversmiths, Beak Street, London W1; subsequently (from c1957) Tower Street, London WC2
(registered Nov 1890)
(registered Jan 1902)
William Comyns & Sons Ltd (Charles & Richard Comyns) 1916..1926
William Comyns & Sons Ltd (Richard Comyns) 1922..1991
Walter Cross 1893..1896
(registered Feb 1889)
Bookmark, money clip
Corke Brothers & Co 1898..1902
(registered Feb 1899)
Box, button, napkin ring, purse mount William Richard Corke, Arthur George Apthorp & Harry Ernest Apthorp trading as Corke Brothers & Co, Carnaby Street, London W

For later marks of this company see CB&Co

Comyns of London Ltd 1997..2007 Clock, cow creamer, cup, novelty condiments set, stirrup cup, tastevin Eastbury Road, London E6

Company formed 1993 as successors to William Comyns & Sons Ltd

William Cotton Bird (registered Aug 1891) Case maker, Norfolk Street, Coventry; subsequently Craven Street, Coventry
Child & Child (Walter & Harold Child) 1888..1899
(registered Feb 1888)
Beaker, candlestick, decanter label, fork, mug, plate, spoon Seville Street, London SW
William Isaac Carloss & John Huffam King 1873
(registered Jan 1869)
Thimble holder Hatton Garden, London EC
W C K 1993..1996 Box
William Charles Mansell 1909
(registered Apr 1909)
Letter opener
W C over P C 1767 Basket Mark not shown by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990. It may have been recorded in the lost 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register.
William Caleb Scott 1857..1860
(registered Apr 1856)
Watch case Case maker
(registered Mar 1863)
Thomas & William Chawner (c1760)
Thomas & William Chawner (1762..1767)


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
William Darker 1725..1730
(registered Aug 1720)
Beaker, coffee pot, mug, salver, tankard

(image courtesy of
(registered Apr 1731)

(image courtesy of Keith Saville)
William Dorrell c1745 Tongs Not shown or listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990. It may have been recorded in the lost 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register. Attribution by Dr David Shlosberg (
William Dorrell (probably) c1750 Decanter label Not shown or listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990. It may have been recorded in the lost 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register. Dorrell registered a mark without pellets Feb 1736 before being required by the Plate Act, 1738 to register a different mark. A similar mark to this was registered by him Nov 1764.
William Dyer 1873..1890
(registered Mar 1871)
Watch case Case maker
William Devenport (registered Jun 1900) Spencer Street, Birmingham; subsequently Northwood Street, Birmingham
W D 1980..1982 Ingot pendant
W Drummond & Co 1924..1933 Bowl, caster, cigarette case, sauce boat Retailer, Melbourne, Australia
Walter Davies & Sons Ltd 1972..1978 Coffee pot, dish, goblet, spoon, tastevin, tea service Jewellers, St Martin's Lane, London WC2
William Disney Barlow 1905..1907
(registered Mar 1905)
Basket, candlestick, condiments, cup, desk bell
James Hardy & Co (William Duncan Cooper) 1937..1938
(registered Nov 1904)
Tea service
W D C 2000 Napkin ring
William Davidson & Frederick Upton 1863..1866
(registered Sep 1863)
Flatware, napkin ring

(image courtesy of Keith Saville)
(registered Jan 1864)
William & John Deane (1763..1764)
Walter Morisse & Son 1889
(registered Apr 1875 & Dec 1889)
Perfume bottle Walter Diederich Morisse, sole partner in W Morisse & Son, Northampton Square, Clerkenwell, London
Ward Smith 1897
(registered Apr 1893)
Book mark
David Whyte & William Holmes (1760..1763)


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Matthew West 1703..1707
(registered Apr 1697)
Cup, salt
Samuel Welder 1714 Caster, cruet Mark attributed to Welder by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 but noted as unregistered
(registered Sep 1717)
(registered Oct 1729)
A similar mark with smaller letters registered Jul 1720
Robert Eley 1794
(registered Mar 1790)
Flatware Spoon maker
William Eley I 1795..1796 Flatware Noted as "Unregistered" by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 Also a rectangular mark registered Nov 1778 & 1785:
W E 1801..1830 Coffee pot, flatware, salt, tureen, vinaigrette Similar marks registered by:
  • William Eaton, bucklemaker (May 1813 & 1825) (may be a different William Eaton to the plateworker)
  • William Eaton, plateworker (Oct & Dec 1825)
  • William Edwards, smallworker (Dec 1800 & 1809)
  • William Ellerby, smallworker (Apr 1804)
  • William Esterbrook, spoonmaker (Nov 1817 & 1824). Another mark, with pellet between, registered Sep 1834
  • William Eley II, plateworker (Jun 1826)
William Ellerby 1810..1820
(registered Aug 1810)
Caddy spoon, decanter label Also a mark in a bevelled corner box registered Jun 1802:
and a mark without pellet Apr 1804
William Eaton 1813
(registered May 1813)
Flatware Registered initially (1813) as a plateworker but from 1830 as a spoonmaker. GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 notes that the latter may have been his main trade
(registered Mar 1824)
(registered Sep 1828 & 1830, 1834, 1836, 1837, 1840)
William Elliott or William Eaton (probably) 1814..1820 Decanter label, goblet, salt, tankard Attribution not certain; this could be a rare non-flatware mark of William Eaton, but the punch shape matches the pelleted marks of neither Eaton nor Elliott as illustrated by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990.
William Edwards 1823..1824
(registered Apr 1823)
Box, decanter label
William Eley II 1825..1828
(registered Jan 1825)
Bowl, coffee pot, mustard, salt, salver, teapot
W E 1827 Knife
William Edwards 1852
(registered Aug 1864)
Box This is a different William Edwards to either the one registered in 1823 or the one registered in 1868
William Evans 1864..1894
(registered Aug 1864)
Bowl, condiment bottles, cruet, jug, knife rest, mug, mustard, napkin ring, pepperette, salt & spoon, toast rack
William Edwards 1869..1876
(registered Jun 1868)
Bowl, cup, salt, spoon
William Ehrhardt; subsequently William Ehrhardt Ltd (registered Jul 1892) Watch Manufacturers, Time Works, Barr Street, Hockley, Birmingham
W E 1925 Jug (Britannia standard)
W E B 1935..1939 Bowl, caddy spoon, coffee pot, forks, quaich, salt, tea strainer
William Eley (II), Charles Eley & Henry Eley (1824)
Wahl Eversharp Co Ltd 1932..1939 Pencil Great Portland Street, London W1

(image courtesy of Dave Koncher)
William Edward Dibley 1893
(registered Feb 1894)
Thimble case Gerrard Street, London W
William Eley I & George Pierrepoint 1777..1778
(registered Nov 1777)
W E Hill & Co 1904..1907
(registered Jul 1904)
Creamer, cup, spoon, tankard

(image courtesy of
(registered Jul 1904)
Walter Edward King 1943..1973 Butter knife, candle holder, flatware, salt, souvenir anointing spoon

(Note: top of punch is mirror image of bottom)
W E M 1955..1960 Spoon
W E V 1970..2008 Coaster, pepper mill
William Eley I & William Fearn 1798..1807, 1814..1824
(registered Jan 1797 & Oct 1814)
Buckle, flatware, grape scissors, knife, tea service
William Eley I, William Fearn & William Chawner 1807..1814
(registered Apr 1808)
William Eley II & William Fearn 1824
(registered May 1824)
William Eley I died in Mar 1824 and his son, also William, registered this mark in partnership with William Fearn
William Eley (II), Charles Eley & Henry Eley 1824
(registered Jul 1824)
Sons of William Eley I who continued his business on Eley (I)'s death in March 1824. This mark probably only used during 1824 as the partnership lasted from this mark's registration (14 Jul 1824) until 19 Jan 1825 when William and Charles both registered solo marks as plateworker and spoon maker respectively.