Silver Makers' Marks - London Assay Office (J)



Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Thomas Causton (1732..1733)
John Clayton 1739..1741
(registered Nov 1736)
Miniature teapot, spoon Succeeded to the business of his father, David Clayton (miniature & toy maker)
Isaac Callard (1741..1742)
Isaac Callard (1749..1767)
John Cafe (1744..1756)
John Carman II 1748
(registered Jul 1748)
Coffee pot Registered as a largeworker but also listed as a sword cutler and hilt maker

(image courtesy of Michael Lee)
Judith Callard (probably) 1768 Spoon This mark not shown by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990. It may have been recorded in the missing 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register or the 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register. Note that its shape implies a widow's mark and that Paul Callard, Judith's husband, died in 1768.
Joseph Carpenter (1774)
John Crouch II 1810..1812
(registered Feb 1808)
Plate, salver
John Cowie 1812..1815
(registered Jan 1813)
Spoon, tea service

(image courtesy of
John Clark 1823
(registered Jul 1823)
Apothecary scales
John Coakley 1832
(registered Sep 1832)
Spoon Liverpool
J C 1844 Watch case Mark probably unregistered but may be James Collins, case maker, who registered a similar incuse mark with stop between the letters Sep 1843
John Cole (registered Mar 1884; defaced Dec 1886) Silver mounter & tobacconist
Joseph Clarke 1896
(registered Jul 1888)
Argyle, spoon

(image courtesy of
John Culver (registered Jun 1901) Clerkenwell, London
Julian Coppo & Co 1901
(registered Aug 1890)
Imported purse Continental agents, Wood Street, London EC
Cartier Ltd 1915..1949 Bowl, box, cigarette case, compact, dish, dressing set, menu holder (imported), tastevin Court Jewellers, New Bond Street, London W1

J C, Jacques-Théodule Cartier, was the managing director of the London branch of the company

Royal Mint 1938..1942 ARP badge, masonic jewel Initials are those of Sir John Herbert McCutcheon Craig, Deputy Master and Comptroller of the Royal Mint from 1938
J C 1971 Spoon
J C 1977, 1991 Ingot pendant, spoon

(image courtesy of
John Capon 1980 Caddy spoon
J C 1991..1992 Decanter label
J C 2000..2005 Pepperette, tray
J Cameron & Son 1901 Spoon King Street, Kilmarnock

This mark not shown in CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987, but spoon is in a box marked "J Cameron & Son, Silversmiths and Watchmakers, Kilmarnock"

Joseph Cook & Son 1911 Box Livery Street, Birmingham
John Crawford Adams 1991..2001 Box, napkin ring, pipe stand, spoon
J C B 1986 Box
Beeby & Powell 1995 Signet ring Jonathan Charles Beeby & J Powell trading as Beeby & Powell, Victoria Street, Rochester, Kent
James Charles Edington 1827..1859
(registered Feb 1828)
Basket, claret jug, coaster, cruet, inkstand & inkwell, mug, mustard, table lighter, tea & coffee service
(registered Jan 1845)
(registered May 1863)
Charles Fox I & James Turner (1801..1803)
John Charles Grinsell (registered Oct 1906)
Charles Johnston Hill (1881..1895)

(image courtesy of
John Chapple & John Mantle 1881..1885
(registered Sep 1880)
Chamberstick, napkin ring, teapot, tray
John Charles Lowe 1898..1922
(registered Mar 1899)
Napkin ring, pepperette, salt, tea service Hatton Garden, London EC
John Charles Lowe (probably) 1935..1966 Candlestick, caster, coffee pot, condiments set, menu holder, mug, sauce boat, tea service, tea strainer Hatton Garden, London EC
J C L 1991 Napkin ring
C M & J S (1973..1974)
James & Nathaniel Creswick 1853..1867
(registered Mar 1853)
Chamberstick, coffee pot, decanter label, egg cruet, mug, wine cooler Paternoster Row, Sheffield & Craven Street, Strand, London
John Charles Reilly 1820
(registered Jul 1818)
John Crane Salt 1865..1875
(registered May 1865)
Beaker, claret jug, lidded pot, pyx box
John & Thomas Cutmore 1828
(registered Jan 1829)
Pin tray
John Collard Vickery 1906..1935
(registered Apr 1899)
Barometer, bookmark, box, frame, matchbox holder, match striker, tazza Regent Street, London


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Isaac Duke (1744)
Jabez Daniell 1755..1757
(registered Jul 1749)
Caster, cruet
Thompson Davis (1762..1764)
Thomas Dealtry (1771)
John Denzilow 1774..1796
(registered Oct 1774)
Basket, coffee pot, creamer, goblet, jug, mug, mustard, sucrier
James Dow 1818
(registered Aug 1815)
Watch case Case maker, Clerkenwell, London

Note: this mark was probably in use until 1835 so there may be confusion with the similar mark of Joseph Dewin (q.v.)

J D 1820..1826 Flatware Similar marks registered by:
  • James Dicks, spoonmaker (Nov 1820)
  • Joseph Dunkin, plateworker (Feb 1824, Oct 1827, Feb 1835)
  • John Durandeau, spoonmaker (Jul 1824)
Joseph Dewin 1824..1846
(registered Dec 1824)
Watch case Case maker, Clerkenwell, London

A similar mark in use by James Dow (q.v.) 1815 to 1835. Dewin died in 1853.

Joseph Dallinger 1829
(registered May 1828)
Masonic medal Norwich, Norfolk
James Dudley 1894..1895
(registered Oct 1893, cancelled Mar 1896)
Bookmark, bottle stopper, bottle top, bowl, caddy spoon, claret jug, desk paper clip, menu holder, scissors Retail jeweller and watch and clock maker, Osborne Road, Southsea, Hampshire
(registered Mar 1896)
Joseph Davis 1893..1901
(registered Oct 1886)
Fob medal, masonic medal Masonic jeweller, Cheapside, London EC

(Mark is J D, pellet between)
(registered Feb 1903)
J D 1992 Cake slice
J D 1996..1997 Box, dish
James Dougall 2012 Box, caddy spoon, cuff links, letter opener

(image courtesy of
J D & B 1969 Paperweight
James Dixon & Sons 1935..1938
(registered Nov 1912)
Cigarette case Cornish Place, Sheffield
J D Beardsmore & Co 1969 Commemorative spoon
Jonathan Braganza 2013..2019
(registered Mar 2011)
Beaker, caddy spoon, cuff links, decanter label
J D C M 1977 Napkin ring
J D J 2000..2005 Claret jug, decanter label
J D L 1977 Gold ring
James Dewsnap Ltd 1904
(registered Jan 1896)
Box mounts St Thomas Street, Sheffield & Ely Place, Holborn, London
J D S 1958 Spoon
J D S 1977..1978 Ingot pendant, decanter label
James Deakin & Sons (John & William F Deakin) 1883..1909
(registered May 1888)
Flatware, mug, napkin ring, purse, shoehorn, vesta Sidney Works, Matilda Street, Sheffield


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Thomas England (1746)
T E (1767..1768)
John Eckford II (1744)
John Emes 1797
(registered Jan 1798)
Caster, chamber stick, cruet, decanter label, flatware, goblet, inkstand, tea caddy, tea & coffee service, teapot stand, toast rack, wine funnel
(registered Jan 1798)

(image courtesy of Joanie's House of Treasures)
Joseph Emanuel


James Edwards II

1833 Spoon Joseph Emanuel, plateworker, mark registered Nov 1820

James Edwards II, plateworker, mark registered Jul 1824

John Evans II 1836..1862
(registered Apr 1834)
Bowl, communion set, cruet, decanter label, knife rest, mug, mustard, napkin ring, pepperette, teapot, toast rack, salt, salver
James Edwards II 1851
(registered Oct 1844)
Salt Died 1852
Jesse Earls 1879..1893
(registered Oct 1878)
Creamer, paten, salt, statuette, toast rack, tray St John Street, Clerkenwell, London EC
Edmund Johnson (1897..1898)
J E 1920..1922 Inkwell, spool stand
Joy Everley 2003..2005 Bracelet Newburgh Street, London W1

Web site

John Eldershaw Brunt 1836
(registered Nov 1836)
Inkwell Greville Street, Hatton Garden, London
Walker & Hall (John Edward Bingham) (registered Jun 1877) Electro Works, Howard Street, Sheffield
John, Edward, Walter & John Barnard (Barnard & Sons Ltd) 1863..1875
(registered Jun 1868)
Cruet, fish server, goblet, napkin ring, salver, tea service, wine jug
J E D & S 1947..1951 Condiments set, egg cup, jar lid, mug, napkin ring
J E H 1979 Box
J E Ltd 1925..1927 Box, candlestick
J E N H 1980 Ladle


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
John Fossey (1739..1740)
Thomas Farren (1739..1742)
John Faux c1780
(registered Dec 1773 & 1777, 1784)
John Fells 1814
(registered Aug 1811)
Watch case Case maker
John Fleckner (registered Jan 1870) Watch case Case maker, Warwick Street, Earlsdon, Coventry
(registered Aug 1875)
(registered May 1880)
John Fleckner (probably)) 1888..1889 Watch case This mark not shown by CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987; mark apparently not registered

(image courtesy of
Jacob Frackmann 1892
(registered Dec 1891)
Jacob Feinmesser 1896..1897
(registered Jul 1893)
Imported goblet
Jacob Fenigstein 1904..1910
(registered Feb 1897)
Box, cruet, kiddush cup
J F 1919 Holy oil container An apparently identical mark registered Jul 1906 by John Faucherre (not listed in 1919 trades directory)
J F 1973..1977 Box, spoon
Frazer & Haws 1888..1913
(registered Dec 1868)
Caster, chamberstick, covered dish, cruet stand, salt Regent Street, London
Fenton Brothers (John Frederick Fenton & Frank Fenton) (registered Jun 1875) South Moor Works, Earl Street, Sheffield
John Ferguson Gow 1942..1949 Ash tray, dish, door furniture
J F J W 1928..1931 Lamp
J F R 1999 Box