Silver Makers' Marks - London Assay Office (M)



Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
M, fleur-de-lys below 1660 Porringer Mark shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 dated 1672
Maxwell, Aylwin & Co (2001..2003)
Marston & Bayliss (registered Nov 1900) Branston Street, Birmingham; subsequently Icknield Street, Birmingham

(image courtesy of John Child)
Mitchell & Cooper 1912..1920
(registered Feb 1911)
Box mount, fob medal
Marples & Co 1903
(registered Sep 1903)
Imported items: box, dish Ludgate Hill, Birmingham

Marples was a wholly owned subsidiary of Martin, Hall & Co

(registered Sep 1903)
Maple & Co (registered Sep 1907) Spoon Tottenham Court Road, London
Munsey & Co 1923..1940 Bowl, box, trophy cup Market Place, Cambridge
M & Co 1967 Wallet mount
Mojon & Co Ltd 1911
(registered Jul 1907)
Clock Watch importers and retailers, Bartlett's Buildings, London EC
M & H 1968 Pincushion
Mills & Hersey 1973..1980
(registered 1971)
Bowl, caster, coaster, goblet, salver David Mills & Michael Hersey trading as Mills & Hersey, Rawston Street, Clerkenwell, London; (from 1974) Church Street, Twickenham, Middlesex.

For subsequent marks of this company see MCH (M C Hersey & Son) and SH (Stewart Hersey)

Morton & James (registered Aug 1903) Morton Britton & James Phelps trading as Morton & James, stick mounters, Britannia Street, London
M & J S 1963 Fork
Minshull & Latimer (registered Mar 1900) Vyse Street, Birmingham
M & L 1961 Imported box
M & L S 1985..1991 Decanter label, frame
M & M 1992 Imported box
M & N 1929 Clock
M & R C 1978 Gold ring
Maxfield & Sons Ltd
Marr & Sons 1910
(registered Aug 1903)
Mappin & Webb Ltd (1901)
Mappin & Webb Ltd (1998..2002)


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Arthur Manwaring (1677)
William Matthew I (1697..1698)
Jacob Margas (probably) 1699 Spoon Listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 under "Unregistered Marks" where he attributes it as "Jacob Margas (?)"
George Manjoy (1702..1706)

Note: mark has a rose or roundlet centrally below MA
Matthew Madden 1701
(registered 1700)
Willoughby Masham 1701..1703
(registered May 1701)
Mug, tankard
William Matthew I (1703..1706)
Mary Mathew 1709
(registered May 1707)
Spoon Believed to be the widow of William Mathew I
William Matthew II (1712..1718)
Thomas Mann 1714..1723
(registered Nov 1713)
(registered Jul 1720)
(registered Sep 1736)
Thomas Mason 1716..1718
(registered Nov 1716)
Bowl, candlestick, mug, plate, salver, tankard, teapot

(image courtesy of
(registered Jul 1720)
(registered Sep 1733)
(registered Jul 1739)
(registered Sep 1745)
Samuel Margas 1719
(registered Feb 1715)
Caster, dish, tankard
(registered Mar 1721)

(image courtesy of David Mercer)
Miles Askew 1784..1795
(registered Sep 1784)
Spoon, tongs
M A 1991 Knife
M A 1999 Novelty pendant
Maxwell, Aylwin & Co 1998..2003 Candle snuffer, figurine, letter opener, pot pourri jar lid, swizzle stick Jeweller, High Street, Camberley, Surrey
Michael Allen Bolton 1983..2003 Bowl, buckle, dish, ring, spoon, thimble, wine funnel Cornwall

Born 1938, died 2005

Mackay & Chisholm 1896 Spoon Princes Street, Edinburgh

Mark not shown by CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987 - possibly not registered in London

M A G 1981
Marc Alfred Holland (registered Sep 1907) Watch manufacturer, Holborn Viaduct, London
M A K 1925..1926 Cup, menorah
Marie Albert Perrier 1881
(registered Feb 1882)
Watch manufacturer, Bury Street, London EC
M A S 1979 Box
Mary Ann Simmons 2006..2010 Box
Mervyn Archdall Vicars 1894
(registered Jun 1894)
Imported buckle Foreign dealer, Newgate Street, London EC
M A W 1834 Lancet case Mark seen with "TH" mark of Thomas Hughes Headland. MAW may be a retailer's mark. Note that it shows evidence of a double-stamp or overstamp.


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Margaret Binley 1765..1790
(registered May 1764)
Decanter label Widow of Richard Binley
Moses Brent 1785..1815
(registered Jul 1775 & through to 1817)
Flatware, knife, salt
M B 1953 Gold brooch An identical mark registered at Chester Aug 1959 by Maurice Barnett, manufacturing jeweller, Hatton Garden, London EC1
M B 1975..1976 Bracelet, napkin ring

(image courtesy of
Mairi Bugg 1976 Lidded bowl Note: Lid of bowl made by Mairi Bugg; bowl made by Denis Walter Bugg (see DWB mark), Mairi Bugg's husband
Murrle Bennet & Co (Ernst Mürrle and J B Bennett) 1900..1905
(registered Jun 1899)
Imported items (bowl, box, buckle, dish, tray) Charterhouse Street, London
M B & S 1962 Decanter label
Cox, Sons, Buckley & Co (Michael Buckley & Arthur Thomson) 1881..1888
(registered Jul 1881)
Baptism shell, communion set, flagon Ecclesiastical suppliers, Covent Garden, London WC

(image courtesy of David Mercer)
M B H 1994 Presentation spoon
M Beaver Ltd 1934 Bowl Goldsmiths, St Ann Street, Manchester
M B P M 1977 Ingot pendant
Mappin Brothers 1902 Box William Gibson & John Lawrence Langman trading as Mappin Brothers, Queens Works, Sheffield; & retailers at Regent Street, London W and Cheapside, London EC.

This mark apparently not registered with London Assay Office

(image courtesy of David Mercer)
Miller Brothers 1906..1908
(registered Jul 1901)
Button, imported napkin ring Newgate Street, London
(registered Sep 1914)

(image courtesy of Simon Clegg)
Miller Brothers (probably) 1931..1933 Fob medal
M B S 1980..1991 Spoon
Moses William Brent & Sydenham William Peppin 1815..1816
(registered Dec 1815)
Knife, spoon Partnership lasted from Dec 1815 to Jul 1816. Moses William Brent was the son of Moses Brent.


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments

(image courtesy of
Matthew Cooper I 1729
(registered Jul 1720)
Morris Cadman 1800
(registered Sep 1800)
Fish server
Martha Clark 1810
(registered Apr 1805)
Watch case Case maker, Bunhill Row, London
Mary Chawner 1834..1840
(registered Apr 1834)
Flatware, knife blade Widow of William Chawner II
M C 1879 Coffee pot Mark not shown in CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987
M Chapman, Son & Co Ltd (Middleton Chapman) 1896..1919
(registered Feb 1892 & 1901, 1909, 1910)
Dish, jar lid, jar rim, scent bottle, standish A similar mark without stop registered Jan 1885

(image courtesy of Richard Peach)
Mercury Centrum Ltd 1996 Imported bracelet Rosebery Road, London N10
M C & Co 1927 Brush
Medway College of Art 1966..1976 Chalice, tazza Rochester, Kent

Principal lecturer: Robert Michael May

(image courtesy of
Montague Maxwell Car Groome 1950..1957 Brooch, salver, tray Dolton, Devon

(b 1902, d 1970)

Mary Chawner & George W Adams 1840
(registered Aug 1840)
Flatware George Adams was Mary Chawner's son-in-law.

This mark was only used for 6 months during 1840.

M C Hersey & Son Ltd 1986..2008
(registered 1975)
Bowl, candlestick, coaster, napkin ring, pepper mill Silversmiths & retailers, Teddington, Middlesex; for an earlier mark of this company see M&H (Mills & Hersey) and for a later mark SH (Stewart Hersey)
M C L 1977 Ingot pendant
M C Sn Co Ld 1920..1921 Decanter rim, pot rim Note: there is a very similar Birmingham mark
Michael Cox-Wilson 1971
(registered 1971)