Silver Makers' Marks - London Assay Office (S)



Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
S S crowned 1683 Porringer Mark shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 dated 1667 but not by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
Samuel Smith III 1754..1755
(registered Feb 1754)
Caster, pounce pot
Samuel Strahan 1808..1837
(registered Nov 1805 & 1808, 1811, 1834)
Watch case Case maker
Sarah Snatt 1817
(registered Sep 1817)
Caddy spoon Widow of Josiah Snatt
Samuel Saltmarsh 1840..1845
(registered Jun 1838)
Watch case Case maker
(registered Dec 1836 & Jan 1845)
Saul Scott 1863
(registered Jun 1862)

(image courtesy of Dave Koncher)
Goldsmiths Alliance Ltd 1865..1879
(registered Oct 1865)
Flatware, mug, salver, tea & coffee services Cornhill, London EC

This company formed by A B Savory & Sons and T C Savory & Co. Samuel Smily (S S) was the manager of Savory & Sons until 1880, having succeeded his father, William, on the latter's death in 1865.

S Smith & Son 1865..1884
(registered Jan 1865)
Mug, salt, salver, spoon, tea service Stephen Smith Senior & Stephen Smith Junior trading as S Smith & Son, King Street, Covent Garden, London

Successors to Smith, Nicholson & Co (see SS over WN)

Selim Samuel 1881..1888
(registered May 1880)
Watch case Case maker, Oxford Terrace, Chapel Fields, Coventry

Note: CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987 names him Samuel Selim, but as he was in partnership with Philip Cohen as Cohen & Samuel and was registered as Selim Samuel at Chester Assay Office, Samuel Selim is more likely correct

Samuel Smith

Samuel Smith & Son Ltd from 1899

(registered Feb 1893)
Vesta Jewellers, Strand, London

Also trading as Diamond Merchants Alliance, Piccadilly, London

(registered Jun 1896)
(registered Jun 1898)

(Mark distorted - shape is 2 conjoined circles - )
Solomon Schonberg 1916
(registered Nov 1907)
Gold ring Gold worker
S S 1927 Imported box A similar mark registered by Saunders & Shepherd Ltd, Mar 1909
C Shapland & Co (1934..1938)
S S 1968..1971 Bowl, dish
S S 1977..1978 Figurine, presentation key
S S 1982..1986, 2000 Frame
Styles Silver (registered c2005) Bridge Street, Hungerford, Berkshire

Web site

(image courtesy of Mark Ashcroft)
S S A 1946 Bracelet
Sutton School of Art 1972..2000
(registered 1970)
Box, napkin ring

(image courtesy of
Drew & Sons (Samuel Summers Drew & Ernest Drew) 1887..1899
(registered Jan 1888)
Box, bottle lid, button hook, cigar case, cigarette case, flask, glove stretchers, salad servers, salt, soap dish, shoe horn, vanity jar top, vesta Retailers, Piccadilly Circus, London W & Leadenhall Street, London EC; subsequently Regent Street, London SW1
(registered Feb 1898)
(registered Nov 1903)
William Hutton & Sons Ltd (1893..1907)
William Hutton & Sons Ltd (1906..1909)
William Hutton & Sons Ltd (1915..1922)
William Hutton & Sons Ltd (1925)
C Shapland & Co (Stanley & Thomas Shapland) 1922..1933
(registered 1919)
Ashtray, bowl, box, brooch, creamer, decanter label, dish, mug, mustard, plate, salt, salver, spoon, sucrier, tankard, tastevin, toast rack Jewellers & silversmiths, High Holborn, London
C Shapland & Co (Stanley Shapland) 1934..1938
C Shapland & Co (Charles & Ronald Shapland) 1956..1975
C Shapland & Co 1977
Smith, Nicholson & Co (Stephen Smith & William Nicholson) 1851..1862
(registered May 1850)
Coffee pot, decanter label, epergne, jug, lidded dish, salver Duke Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, London

Succeeded by S Smith & Son (1865) following Nicholson's retirement

(registered Sep 1850)


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
T S in monogram crowned (c1685)
T S in monogram crowned (c1685)
John Martin Stockar 1698
(registered Apr 1697)
Coffee pot, spoon

(image courtesy of
(registered Jul 1710)
Joseph Stokes 1698
(registered Apr 1697)
William Street 1716
(registered Feb 1717)

(Note: punch is heart-shaped)
(registered Jun 1720)

(image courtesy of
Joseph Steward I 1719
(registered Nov 1719)
Simon Jouet (1748)
S T 1754 Coffee pot
Samuel Taylor 1753..1768
(registered May 1744)
Tea caddy
Francis Cooper (1937..1967)

(image courtesy of
Simone ten Hompel 1999 Spoon Web site
Grey & Co (Sidney Thomas Oldridge) 1889..1892
(registered Aug 1887)
Chatelaine & accessories, menu card, purse frame


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Stephen Venables I 1648..1661
(free 1640, died 1683)
Spoon Attributed as "probably Steven Venables (1)" by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
S V 1688 Spoon Mark not shown by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997 or MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017 but possibly Stephen Venables II
John Sutton (1698..1706)
Samuel & Thomas Varden 1792
(registered Dec 1775)


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
William Scarlett (probably) 1685..1692 Spoon Attributed as probably William Scarlett by JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997. Mark not shown by MitchellMitchell, David M. - Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: their lives and their marks,  Boydell Press, 2017
Starling Wilford or Samuel Welder 1720..1728 Caster An unregistered mark attributed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 to "? Starling Wilford or Samuel Welder"
Samuel Welder (1730..1736)
Starling Wilford 1730..1738
(registered Apr 1729)
Flatware GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990's illustration of Wilford's mark lacks the pellet but has the same punch shape
Samuel Wood 1733..1737
(registered Jul 1733)
Caster, cruet, tankard
(registered Sep 1737)
(registered Jun 1739)
(registered Oct 1756)
S W 1739..1742 Spoon Listed by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 under Unregistered Marks. It may have been recorded in the lost 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register
Samuel Welles 1745..1763
(registered Mar 1741)
Caster, mug, porringer, tankard
Samuel Whitford I 1762..1767
(registered Mar 1764)
Coffee pot, creamer, cup, mug Whitford may also have had a mark in the lost 1739-1758 Smallworkers' Register
Samuel Wood (probably) 1768 Cup, plate, salver, tea caddy Attribution from JacksonPickford, Ian, ed. - Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland and Ireland,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1997. The mark may have been recorded in the lost 1758-1773 Largeworkers' Register.
Sacheverel Wright 1780
(registered Aug 1758)
Samuel Wintle (probably) 1782 Spoon
Samuel Wintle 1783..1788
(registered May 1783)
Spoon, tongs
S W 1793 Spoon

(image courtesy of Winsor House Antiques)
S W 1798..1802 Caster Similar to an unidentified and "unregistered" mark illustrated by GrimwadeGrimwade, Arthur - London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives,  Faber & Faber, 1990 for this period
Samuel Whitford II
Samuel Wheatley
1810..1825 Bowl, box, cruet frame, decanter label, mug, spoon, teapot, toast rack Similar marks registered by:
  • Samuel Whitford II, plateworker, (Jun 1800 & Oct 1807, May 1812)
  • Samuel Wheatley, plateworker, (Aug 1811)
Samuel Whitford 1857..1882
(registered Sep 1856)
Cruet, flatware Designated as Samuel Whitford (junior) by CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987. He was the son of Samuel Whitford II

A similar mark registered by Susan Whittaker, spoon maker, widow of Thomas Whittaker, Sep 1855

S W 1859 Spoon Mark not shown in CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987 - may not be a registered mark
S W 1964 Napkin ring
Stephen Webster 2011 Cigarette case
S W & Co 1981 Decanter label
S Weingott & Son 1907
(registered Dec 1904)
Pipe mount
Worcester Silver Co Inc 1952..1970 Flatware A US company which imported British silver to USA

(image courtesy of
Samuel Whitford II & George Pizey 1810
(registered Aug 1810)
Toast rack, wine funnel
William Henry Skinner 1897..1901
(registered May 1897)
Caster, claret jug, dish, napkin ring, tea service
S W H 2002 Salt, spoon
Samuel Wheatley & John Evans I 1809..1812
(registered Apr 1810)
Salt, teapot
Samuel William Read 1891
(registered Feb 1892)
Watch case Watch manufacturer, Craven Street, Coventry

(image courtesy of
Samuel Walton Smith (registered Feb 1882) Caster, coffee pot, creamer, inkwell, salt, table lighter, tea caddy, teapot N.B. CulmeCulme, John - Directory of Gold and Silversmiths, Jewellers and Allied Traders 1838-1914,  Antique Collectors' Club, 1987 has "Samuel Watton Smith", but this is incorrect

Cambridge Street, Birmingham and Great Pulteney Street, London W1

(registered Sep 1897)
S W Smith & Co 1901..1917
(registered Nov 1900)
S W W 1954 Spoon


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments

(image courtesy of
Richard Syng 1698..1701
(registered Apr 1697)
Bowl, candlestick, covered cup A similar mark in an oval punch registered same date
Samuel Yeomans (registered Mar 1914) Case maker, Spon Street, Coventry


Mark Maker Dates seen Seen on Comments
Sigmund Zyto 1922..1925 Judaica (besamin (spice tower), bowl, kiddush cup, menorah, Torah breastplate), tray St Mark's Street, Goodman's Fields, London

Mark with pellet registered Feb 1896: